Title: “Clouded Minds: Disconnect to Reconnect”
Description: The image portrays a young man holding a mobile phone in his arms, engrossed in its screen. His head is covered with a hood, and his eyes are obscured by white clouds formed by the hood. The artwork symbolizes how the excessive use of modern technology, particularly mobile phones, can cloud our minds and hinder clear thinking. The message behind the image is to encourage viewers to disconnect from their devices and take moments of reflection and contemplation to regain mental clarity and focus. This thought-provoking artwork is intended for use in social advertisements, aiming to raise awareness about the impact of technology on our mental well-being and promote a healthier relationship with our digital devices.
Photo and Post-Production: Maria Poleshchuk
Model: Mikhail
MUSE Photo Exhibition
Surrealism in photography has never lost its popularity since its inception over 100 years ago. It encompasses both obvious and hidden meanings, the play of the subconscious and visual perception, blending fashion and art.
For me, working in the genre of surrealist photography was one of the most challenging tasks. After studying numerous surrealist works in the fashion industry, I discovered that much of the surrealism is inherent in the designs themselves, such as those by Elsa Schiaparelli. Photographers' works are often creative reflections that touch on subtler aspects of visual perception, all within the fashion context. However, this particular work required clear artistic guidelines and technical instructions.
The piece was showcased at the 2024 MUSE Photo Exhibition, and I am proud that my work was included alongside those of my colleagues!
No AI was used in the creation of this photograph.
@Maria Poleshchuk
#Surrealism #Photography #Art #FashionPhotography #SurrealArt #DigitalWellbeing #DisconnectToReconnect #MentalClarity #TechnologyImpact #MUSEExhibition #CreativePhotography #MariaPoleshchuk #PhotoExhibition #VisualArt #Fashion #Subconscious #ArtisticExpression #ModernTechnology #DigitalArt #AwarenessCampaign